Let Go Of Negative Emotions

Memories Can Lead To Negative Emotions

Let go of negative emotions

Memories can be powerful and lasting, especially when they are painful. Take a moment and think about a memory that still bothers you. It could be related to anything – something that’s been bothering you for a while or even recently. It is highly likely that you have a past experience or memory that makes you feel upset. Think of something that still bothers you. It can be a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or financial challenge. You may have experienced a relationship ending that wasn’t mutually desired or been terminated from a job unjustly. Maybe you went through a traumatic experience that still haunts you to this day. Maybe you had an abusive childhood. Just think of something. Such moments are common and shared by the majority of us.

Reflect on the thought you just had and take notice of how it makes you feel. Do an honest evaluation of your emotions and analyze what physical sensations accompany them. Does this memory still fill you with rage? Is that anger tangible in your body? Recalling the memory may lead to feeling unhappy or anxious. It is possible that it even evokes feelings of fear and insecurity in you?

Imagine your bad memories as files on a computer hard drive. Following any negative experience, you’ve stored the related emotions and memories in these metaphorical ‘files’. These ‘files’ are stored in your system, which is running on auto-pilot, just like any computer program. That system in your body is your energetic system; your aura, chakras, meridian lines, and soul. The unpleasant memory playing in your head is a result of a traumatic experience you went through. The physical, emotional and mental effects of this past incident are retained in your energy system as these ‘files,’ which are stored emotions and sensations, very similar to saving a file on a hard drive.

You tucked those horrible memories away right into your energy system hard drive and tried your very best to cover them up with a variety of other emotions. Maybe you tried to use humor to mask over your pain. Maybe you use substances to forget about the past. Maybe you cry every time you think of it, so you avoid thinking of it. Maybe you even lash out at those around you when you feel this memory coming to the surface.

Bad memories create negative energy, which acts like a malicious computer virus sitting within your energy system. This often results in you feeling various overwhelming emotions, which is a consequence of having stored the ‘bad file’ in your energy.

Being weighed down by the negative experiences in the past can be very tiring. It’s like carrying numerous pieces of heavy luggage everywhere, which is exhausting and holds you back from achieving your goals.

“What angers us in another person is more often than not an unhealed aspect of ourselves. If we had already resolved that particular issue, we would not be irritated by its reflection back to us.”

– Simon Fuller


Take a few moments and contemplate the change that would occur in your life if you let go of this traumatic event. Visualize yourself in the future, free from this suffering and past pain. Imagine being able to look back at that experience, without experiencing any mental anguish. Imagine being completely healed from the pain you have been carrying for so long and being able to view it as an opportunity for growth rather than as a traumatic event.

Letting go of negative thoughts can make you feel much better, like being free from a heavy burden in your chest. Additionally, it can help create more positive energy in your life. You will start to observe that your thoughts become more positive and cheerful about yourself and your environment. Afterward, you may experience a sense of joy and gratitude for your life and accomplishments. This emotion can encourage you to be kinder to yourself and those around you.

Learning from past experiences is essential to our personal growth and understanding. However, it can be difficult to move on from painful memories that have had a lasting impact on our lives. Facing these memories head on and accepting that they were life lessons we need to learn is the first step in releasing them. By acknowledging the lessons we learned, we can begin the process of healing and forgiving ourselves and others for what has happened. With acceptance comes freedom, allowing us to move forward with renewed strength and courage.

Holly Janes

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