Meditation In 3 Simple Steps

Many people find it difficult to focus when meditating and their minds start to wander, leading them to think that they cannot meditate. However, this is a common experience that most of us go through and as we practice more it gets easier to stay in the present moment without our minds straying off.

Meditation in 3 simple steps

It is not difficult to begin meditating – all you need to do is make yourself comfortable, imagine a white light surrounding you, and then picture your favorite place in your mind. By following these steps, you can easily get started with meditation.


It is not necessary to assume an uncomfortable pose in order to meditate. Most people think this position of crossed legs with hands on knees and fingers and thumb touching is required, but it can be difficult for those with lower back pain. There are other options available for meditation that may be more comfortable for some individuals. When you start to experience any discomfort during meditation, your focus shifts from meditating to feeling the pain. This tends to take away from the benefits of your session and make it difficult for you to stay in a meditative state. To achieve meditation, it’s important to select a comfortable position that works for you. This could be lying down, sitting upright in a chair with a cushion, leaning back in a recliner or curling up in a ball. It’s essential to find the right balance between comfort and wakefulness so that you don’t drift off to sleep!


If you are unfamiliar with the concept of white light, it is an integral part of meditation. It acts as a protective energy shield to help keep away any negative spiritual energies. The white light is like a shield to protect you from harmful energies. Visualize yourself standing underneath a white spotlight. Then, focus on the light entering your body from your head, slowly flowing through you to the tips of your toes. Allow yourself to be full filled with the white light until you feel its calming effects throughout your body. To create a protective barrier around your body, imagine that you have a white light within you that expands outward to the outside of your aura, which will encompass you in its glow. This bubble of white light will provide you with protection and security. It is your strong intention that makes this shield effective; if you truly believe it will protect you, then it will. Your mental strength and power will work to your advantage by keeping you safe.


For those who are new to meditation and have difficulty achieving a ‘blank’ mind, it is recommended to start with more basic techniques. Focusing on a specific place or object is often used to help the mind relax, which may ultimately lead to the desired blank state of meditation. As your skill progresses, you can move onto more advanced techniques. For the sake of this example, we will think of a park.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a peaceful park surrounded by lush trees, chirping birds, fresh grass, and a picturesque sky. In this place there is anything you wish for can be found here; there is no limit to your imagination. This park is yours to explore, relax and enjoy during times of meditation. Visualizing a relaxing place can be a great way to reduce stress, by thinking of the beach, mountains, woods, or any other place that feels calming to you, and use your imagination to bring it to life in detail. Let yourself be immersed in the environment – smell the air, touch anything you see and explore your surroundings. Just remember that while doing all this, something special happens – you become calmer and more relaxed because you are meditating!

Holly Janes

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