Types of Spirit Guides

We all have spirit guides all around us, and most of the time we have a group of beings who help us as we walk along our spiritual path.

Spirit guides are ethereal beings that provide guidance, protection, and support to you on your life journey. These spiritual helpers exist in the realm beyond our physical world, offering their wisdom and assistance to you each and every day.

Types of Spirit Guides

Many people describe spirit guides as loving beings who have a deep understanding of our soul's purpose and can help us navigate through life's challenges. They are often seen as sources of inspiration, comfort, and encouragement during difficult times.

Connecting with your spirit guides can be a powerful experience that opens up new pathways for personal growth and spiritual development. By tuning into their presence through meditation and other forms of spiritual practice, you may receive valuable insights and guidance that can help you make important decisions or overcome obstacles in your life.

Exploring the concept of spirit guides can be a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness and inner peace. Embracing the idea that we are supported by benevolent beings who want nothing but the best for us can bring comfort and reassurance in times of uncertainty.

Remember that spirit guides are there to assist you on your path towards fulfillment and enlightenment. Trust in their presence, listen to their whispers of wisdom, and allow yourself to be guided by the unseen forces that surround you with love and light.

Getting to Know My Guides

Over the years, I have worked with my own spirit guides through meditation. I have dedicated a lot of time to getting to know them, asking numerous questions about their origins, purpose in helping me, and their identities. Just as I sought to learn more about myself, I also aimed to comprehend them. To seek assistance from these beings, I felt it crucial to grasp their true nature. This ongoing meditation journey has spanned years, during which I have posed a series of questions in my quest to deepen my understanding of them.

During meditation, I visualize a peaceful place in my mind and enter a state of astral projection. I prefer to journey into the angelic realm for its tranquil and serene atmosphere. In this space, I connect with my spirit guides and seek their guidance and wisdom.

At the beginning, it was really tough for me to sense these entities. I'd notice a gentle sway when I was deep in meditation, like someone was subtly nudging me around. As I kept up with my meditation routine, it got easier to connect with my guides. When I asked them about the swaying during meditation, they told me it's their way of tweaking my energy vibes to make our communication smoother.

Ever felt a bit wobbly or like you needed to shift a bit while meditating? That could be your spirit guides tuning your energy vibes for better communication with them. If you've experienced this, just go with the flow and remember, it's just your spirit guides lending a hand!

Types of Spirit Guides

When I would call in my spirit guides, I noticed differences among them. The spirit guide I talked to the most is Archangel Michael. He was the first spirit guide to ever communicate with me and has been by my side ever since. I asked him why he is always the one I talk to, and he explained that he is my main guide. He told me that souls have spirit guides who accompany them from life to life, and he has been with me since my very first life and before. This makes him the main spirit guide I work with, or I should say, who works with me.

I also noticed a variety of spirit guides around me: some were animals, some were humans, and the rest were non-humans. When I asked Michael why there were so many different types of spirit guides, he explained that we all have a group of spirit beings who assist us as we journey through life and all of them are on different levels. These are the groups I have discovered.

Animal Spirit Guides

The first group consists of animal guides, which are animal spirit beings that stay with us like faithful pets. Animals represent various personalities or behaviors that may symbolize something we need in our lives.

Bear animal spirit guides

For example, bears symbolize strength, protection, courage, and power. If a bear is your animal spirit guide, it could indicate that you need these qualities in your life.

Sometimes our spirit animal guides can be pets we have had in our lives, but this is not always the case. I have had many pets throughout my life, but none of them are my spirit guides. While they are around and I can visit them in meditation, they do not serve as my guides. However, some people do have their lost pets as spirit guides. One reason for this could be that your pet always was your spirit guide and chose to come to Earth to live a life with you as a living animal. This means they were your spirit guide first and then became your pet to share a life with you.

Working with animal guides in meditation is easy. When teaching people how to communicate with their spirit guides during meditation, I always start with the animals, because they are easier to connect with. If you're not able to communicate with your human or non-human spirit guides yet, the animal guides can act as intermediaries between you and your other spirit guides.

How to Connect with Your Animal Spirit Guides

The best way to connect with any of your spirit guides is to meditate. Meditation serves as the bridge between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm, helping you transition from one to the other. During meditation, visualize a peaceful place in your mind, perhaps a park with trees and flowers, then, invite your animal guide to appear. The first animal that comes to mind or that you see is likely one of your animal guides. Trust your initial instinct, as it is usually the correct one.

Human Spirit Guides

The next type of spirit guides are humans who have lived on earth. These are people who lived a life on earth and have since passed away. Once a human soul passes away, they have to go through a life review, where they get to see the life they just lived and if they learned their life lessons or not. If they did learn their lessons, then those lessons are considered completed. If they did not learn some lessons in life, then that person still needs to learn those lessons, which is how reincarnation happens.

While waiting to be reincarnated, a person/soul who needs to learn specific lessons, that they didn’t learn in their previous life, will be assigned to a living human who needs to learn the same type of lesson. For instance, if you struggle with self-confidence and have difficulty setting boundaries, you may attract people who take advantage of you. This indicates that one of your life lessons is to establish healthy boundaries. As you learn this lesson, if someone has passed away without learning the same lesson, the Higher Ups (the spirit beings who oversee this earthly realm) will assign that soul to you as a spirit guide, as both of you need to learn the same lesson.

Human spirit guides often come and go as you both learn the lessons you are meant to learn. I have had human spirit guides help me with something, and once I learn the lesson, they move on. While I usually focus on my non-human spirit guides in meditations, there was a time when I decided to meditate and communicate with my human spirit guides. I encountered a man who exclaimed, “Finally! I have been trying to get your attention for 3 years, but you never talk to us!” He then informed me that he needed to help me with something, and once he did, he departed. Think of human spirit guides as a revolving door of people. They come in, help you, and then move on. The only time they stay is if you fail to learn the lessons they are trying to teach you or if they are meant to remain as your spirit guide.

angel spirit guides

Non-Human Spirit Guides

Next, we have non-human spirit guides, such as angels, gods, aliens, elementals, ascended masters, and more. These beings often accompany you throughout your entire life, and some even stay with your soul, accompanying you from one life to the next, like Archangel Michael does with me.

Non-human spirit guides possess more knowledge than animal or human spirit guides because they rank higher in the spiritual hierarchy. In the spiritual world, everything follows a hierarchy. Take angels, for example; at the lowest level are the angels, who work directly with humans in everyday life. Above them are the archangels, who are considered soldiers in the angelic world and are often assigned to individuals who are psychic, lightworkers, healers, mediums, and so on. There is a hierarchy of angels above the archangels, leading up to the Seraphim angels at the very top, who work directly with the gods.

Angels and other non-human spirit guides operate on a higher vibration than humans or animal guides, giving them access to a wealth of knowledge that can assist you. I see it as them having a broader perspective due to their elevated vibration level.

Who are Your Spirit Guides?

The best way to identify your spirit guides is to meet them in meditation. It may take some time to train your mind to communicate with these beings, so be sure to practice often. So, how exactly do you communicate with them?

Talk Out Loud

If you're new to connecting with your spirit guides and are looking to improve your connection, you can start by talking to your spirit guides out loud throughout your day. When I was 12 years old, I could feel that there were "people" watching me, even though I couldn't see them. I sensed their presence above me but didn't know who they were. One day, I spoke out loud to them, saying, "I know you are there." I didn't receive a reply, so I continued with my day. From then on, I made a habit of talking to these "people" out loud every day, a practice I still maintain to this day. It took me a few years to realize that these "people" were actually my spirit guides.

As you learn how to meditate, that’s when you can bring your spirit guides into your meditation so you can talk to them. Ask them for help with things in your life, tell them about your day, say anything you want - just talk. This will help build a relationship between you and them. These beings already know who you are and all about you, but you need to learn to trust them. When you ask them for help, and they do help, remember to say thank you. Over time, you will start to see that when you ask, you will receive some of the things you ask for. You can't get everything, but you will get some things.


Meditation is the key to communicating with your spirit guides. When you go within and learn how to astral travel to the angelic realm, that is where you can talk to these beings. The only way to connect with them is to meditate regularly. If you believe you can't meditate, know that you can; you just need to learn how. Just be aware it takes time and practice to master meditation.

This style of meditation is called Spiritual Meditation, where you use meditation to connect to the spiritual world or for spiritual purposes. This type of meditation is not about relaxing your body; it is using meditation as a tool for psychic communication with the spiritual realm.

Meditation Steps

Embarking on the journey of spiritual meditation can be a transformative experience. Here are some steps to guide you in learning how to practice this ancient and powerful art:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a peaceful and quiet spot where you can sit comfortably without distractions. This could be a corner of your home, a serene outdoor setting, or even a dedicated meditation room.

  2. Get Comfortable: Sit in a relaxed position with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. You can sit on the floor with cushions or in a chair – the key is to find a posture that allows you to be both alert and at ease.

  3. Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of air entering and leaving your body. Let go of any tension or stress as you breathe deeply and rhythmically.

  4. Set an Intention: Before beginning your meditation, set an intention or purpose for your practice. This could be finding inner peace, gaining clarity, or simply being present in the moment.

  5. Practice Mindfulness: As thoughts arise during meditation, acknowledge them without judgment and gently guide your focus back to your breath or chosen point of focus. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment.

  6. Start Small: If you're new to meditation, start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

Remember, spiritual meditation is a personal journey that evolves over time – there's no right or wrong way to do it! The most important thing is to approach it with an open heart and mind, allowing yourself to connect with your inner self and cultivate peace and harmony within.

Bring in the Guides

Once you have developed a solid meditation practice, that's when you can begin using your imagination to build a meditation location. Visualize a place, like the beach, during your meditation sessions, and be as detailed as possible in your visualization. It may take a few sessions before you feel completely comfortable with this beach scene. Once you are comfortable with it, invite your animal spirit guide to join you first, as they are easier to communicate with.

Trust your intuition when the animal appears. Avoid doubting yourself, as it can hinder your growth and connection to the animal guide. Once the animal appears, communicate with it by asking questions such as its name, whether it is your spirit guide, and how it can help you. You may receive answers as thoughts in your head or simply know the answers.

Once you feel comfortable connecting with your animal spirit guides, move on to your human spirit guides. Follow the same steps: ask them to come in, trust what you are seeing or feeling, and then ask lots of questions. Think of it as a meet and greet where you get to know these beings.

Finally, if you want to connect with your non-human spirit guides, invite them in and get to know them by asking lots of questions. You want to take your time with each set of these beings, get to know them, and build a relationship with them. This is how you will build trust with them.


Once you have connected with your spirit guides, all you have to do is practice. The more you meditate and connect with them, the stronger your connection will be. Take time to get to know them - who they are, where they come from, why they are helping you. Remember, it's not all about you! Your guides are there to help, guide, and support you. Treat them with respect, dignity, and honesty.

Meditation Training

Sometimes, learning how to do this type of meditation on your own can be a bit tricky to start. If you find that you are having a hard time connecting with your spirit guides, you can always set up Meditation Training sessions. These sessions are designed to fit your personal goals and needs. So, if you are struggling to connect with your guides, let us help you.

Holly Janes

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