What Does Spiritual Growth Mean?

What does spiritual growth mean to you? Spirituality is very individualistic, as it can be just as unique as each person on the planet. You have some who follow the rules of religion, while others follow their own inner spiritual guidance. Whatever way works best for you is the right path for you. This does not mean your path will work for everyone else though. Each person is walking their own spiritual path based on the lessons their soul needs to learn. What works best for you may not work for someone on a different life path. Since I am a spiritualist, and I focus on New Age based topics, I will be focusing this answer on that mindset.

What is Spiritual Growth?

To spiritually grow means to open yourself up to the ideas that there is something greater than what you see on earth. It’s allowing yourself to question your reality, and ask, “Why am I here?” Is it to look at yourself not only as a physical human, but also as a soul having a human experience. Spiritual growth comes from within as you search for the answers to these big questions.

There’s Something More

You may be wondering how you can become more spiritual. One of the first things you want to think about is allowing the idea that there is something else in existence besides just humans on earth. To think life on earth is all there is in our massive universe is such an isolating thought. I can’t even imagine thinking there is nothing else out there, that we just exist to exist, and then we die to become nothing. That feels so isolating to me. Try imagining what it would be like if there was something else besides just life on earth. Starting to think that there’s other beings living outside of earth is a good start to connecting to a more spiritual mindset. This simple thought will open your mind, emotions, and energy to see what’s all around you.

Talk to Your Spirit Guides

Once you connect to the idea there really are other beings living alongside humans, maybe on other planets or in different dimensions, you can then move forward to learning how to communicate with these beings and with your spirit guides. Just about everyone on earth has spirit guides that help and guide them with their lives. They give you ideas to help you solve problems. They give you that feeling you have that you should turn right instead of left. They give you those warning signs you feel when something doesn’t feel right. Your spirit guides are always around, helping you every step of the way, so why not talk to them.

Start talking out loud to your spirit guides every day, which will help you open up communication with your guides. Tell them about your day, ask them to help you find a parking spot, ask them to guide you on a project idea you have, or you could ask them to protect you or your family. Why not ask for help in any area of your life. The key is to start talking to them, because they can’t help you accomplish goals if you don’t ask.

Start Meditating

Meditation is not only about sitting quietly and relaxing the body, it is also a great way to connect with the spiritual world. With spiritual meditation you can use visualization to help you go into the spiritual realm, which is called astral traveling. There are two types of astral travel. 1. Is when your soul leaves your body and you become ghost-like. This is an amazing gift for those who can do it. 2. The other way to astral travel is by getting into meditation and consciously traveling to other dimensions or places. This is what spiritual meditation can be used to do. Just be sure to protect yourself before you do anything in meditation.

Learn about how to protect yourself by taking the Spiritual Protection Course

If you think you can’t meditate, you need to take that idea right out of your head. You can meditate, you just need to learn how. Not everyone meditates the same way. Sitting still, trying to blank out your mind is a style of meditation, but it is an advanced technique. You can strive to reach this goal by practicing for just minutes a day to clear your mind and sit in the present moment.

But to do spiritual meditation, you need to use your active thinking to imagine a scene. This is when you think of a place, like the beach, or a park, and allow yourself to see these images in your mind. This style of meditation is when you are connecting with the spiritual realm. The cool thing about this style of meditation, is this is where you can go to meet your spirit guides during your meditations.

You can’t get better at meditation if you don’t practice. So, take a few minutes a day to focus on thinking of a place as you meditate. The easiest way to do this is to follow along with a guided meditation that will help you stay focused. You can meditate, you just need to have patience, be persistant, and practice often.

Connect to Spiritual Topics

We humans live in a very physical world with lots of demands. We must work, buy groceries, workout, eat, sleep, hang out with friends, answer emails, and do so many everyday things just to function as a living human. When you surround yourself with so many human activities, it is easy to forget there is a spiritual side to life as well. When spirituality is not in your face every single day, it is very easy to forget about it. If you surround yourself with spiritual activities, it opens you up to these new energies and ways of thinking.

Take a Class

Go to a meditation class or sign up for a spiritual based workshop. Learn Reiki, or another form of energy healing. This is a good way to see how spirituality works and what you find interesting and what you don’t. Plus, you will get to meet some new people along the way.

Read Spiritual Books

There are many amazing authors who have powerful books about spirituality. You can learn about the chakra system, meditation techniques, ghosts stories that are true, even some paranormal stories will amaze you. Go to the library, book store, the mall, or even on your phone and find a book about something spiritual I will suggest you try the book The Laws of Spirit by Dan Millman.

Listen to Spiritual Based Podcasts

With the internet so easily accessible to everyone in today’s world, you can find a podcast on any topic. There are great podcasts about paranormal stories, New Age topics, angels, ghosts, UFOs and aliens, cryptids, past live regression, and so much more. The more you listen, the more you learn, the more your spirituality will grow.

Do a Past Life Regression

Exploring who you were in a past life is a great way to open yourself up to the understanding you are a soul having a human experience. When you explore one past life, but never do it again, you may question if you made it all up. But when you experience multiple past lives, you start to find commonality within them that all connect to your current life. That is when you start to understand fully you are a soul learning life lessons. Get a past life regression done to help you connect to your spiritual self.

See a Psychic

Psychics have a love/hate relationship with many people. Some people love psychics, because they know these people have a skill they are using to help you find answers within the spiritual realm. Yet, other people find them to be fake or frauds because they didn’t predict the future exactly right or they simply think psychics aren’t real. Everyone is psychic, as it is a skill we all are born with. Many psychics spent years working on their abilities and chose to work to help people. Not all psychics are seers, or people who predict the future. Plus, the future is ever changing, so it isn’t as easy to do as you would think. Go get a psychic reading and see what they tell you about your situations.

Watch Spiritual or Paranormal Shows

As I stated, one of the things people get caught up in is living everyday life. When the spiritual or paranormal is not in your face, you forget about it. Start watching paranormal shows in the form of TV shows, movies, or better yet, go on YouTube and watch some true paranormal investigations, hauntings, and other things. Seeing the paranormal helps you to open your eyes to the idea there is more than what we see. Are some of them fake? Yes, but there are fake people in all walks of life, not just the paranormal. The key isn’t to throw all of them out because a few of them aren’t real. The idea is to think for yourself, watch some videos, and make up your own mind. I can assure you, not all of them are fake.

Find a Way

There are many ways to open your spiritual side, but it will take effort on your part. If you want to connect to the spiritual part of you, then bring spirituality into your life. Find what works for you and go with it. It may be reading, watching YouTube videos, going to a class, or maybe doing all of it. The more you submerge yourself in the spiritual and paranormal, the more you will open yourself up to spirituality.

Holly Janes

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