Energy Healing: Why It’s Important

Energy healing Why It's Important

Energy healing is a holistic method of improving overall well-being by addressing the balance and harmony of the body's energy systems. It takes into account the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit to promote optimal health. It is based on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, which are influenced by the flow of energy throughout our body.

At its core, energy healing involves working with the subtle energy fields that surround and permeate our bodies. Practitioners know that when these energy fields become blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various physical and emotional ailments.

There are several different modalities of energy healing, including Reiki, acupuncture, qigong, and crystal therapy. These practices aim to identify and correct any imbalances in the body's energy systems by using various techniques such as hands-on healing, meditation, breathwork, or the use of specific tools like crystals or needles.

Energy healing is often used alongside traditional medical treatments as a complementary therapy. It helps to reduce stress, promote relaxation, enhance overall well-being, and support the body's natural healing processes.

While scientific research on energy healing is still ongoing and its mechanisms are not fully understood by conventional medicine, many people report positive experiences with this practice. However, it's important to note that energy healing should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment but rather as a complementary approach to support overall health and wellness.

Scientific Proof of Energy Healing

Energy healing is a practice that has been around for centuries, but its effectiveness has often been met with skepticism due to the lack of scientific evidence. However, in recent years, there have been several studies and research conducted to explore the scientific proof of energy healing.

One area of research that has shed light on the efficacy of energy healing is the field of biofield science. Biofield refers to the subtle energy field that surrounds and permeates living organisms. Studies have shown that energy healers are able to manipulate this biofield through various techniques such as Reiki, acupuncture, or therapeutic touch.

Scientific experiments have demonstrated measurable effects of energy healing on both humans and animals. For example, studies using biofeedback devices have shown changes in heart rate variability, skin conductance, and brainwave patterns during energy healing sessions. Additionally, thermal imaging has revealed changes in body temperature at specific points where energy healing is applied.

Furthermore, there is growing evidence suggesting that energy healing can have positive effects on pain management, stress reduction, immune system function, and overall well-being. Some studies have even shown improvements in wound healing rates and post-surgical recovery when energy healing techniques are incorporated into traditional medical care.

It is important to note that while scientific research continues to explore the mechanisms behind energy healing and its benefits, there are still debates within the scientific community regarding its validity. However, with increasing evidence supporting its effectiveness and more researchers dedicating their efforts to studying this field, it is becoming harder to dismiss the scientific proof of energy healing.

People feeling energy for the first time!

How Does Energy Healing Work?

The concept of energy healing is rooted in various ancient traditions and cultures, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. These practices recognize the existence of vital life force energy flowing through our bodies, known as Chi, Ki, Qi or Prana.

Energy healers work with this subtle energy to promote healing and well-being. They use various techniques to facilitate the flow of energy, remove blockages, and restore balance.
During an energy healing session, the practitioner may use their hands to channel or manipulate the energy around the client's body. They may also incorporate other tools like crystals or sound instruments to enhance the healing process.

The exact mechanisms behind how energy healing works are still not fully understood by science. However, practitioners work by influencing the body's energetic field, which promotes healing within the energy system. It is thought that when balance is restored in the energetic system, it can have positive effects on physical health as well as emotional and mental well-being.

While some people may experience immediate relief or improvement after an energy healing session, others may require multiple sessions for more profound changes to occur. Energy healing should be seen as a complementary approach rather than a substitute for conventional medical treatment. If you have a medical condition you still need to be seen by your doctor, but while you are doing that, get regular energy healing sessions as well to help you heal not only faster, but on a much deeper level.

It's important to note that individual experiences with energy healing can vary widely. Some people report feeling deeply relaxed during sessions while others may experience sensations like warmth or tingling. The effectiveness of energy healing also depends on factors such as one's belief system and receptivity to this form of therapy.

What is Blocked Energy?

Blocked energy is when your energy is not flowing freely, where something is blocking its flow. The best way to understand how your subtle energy is supposed to work, is to think of the veins in your body. Your heart pumps blood throughout your body. The blood travels through your veins to go to your organs, brain, tissues, and all over your body. As long as your veins are healthy and there aren’t any blockages within them, your blood will flow along freely, keeping you healthy. If a clot forms in your veins, it will restrict the flow of blood through your veins, which causes a backup in your blood flow. If this clot is not removed, it can cause an aneurysm, which can lead to death.

Your subtle energy system functions in a similar way to your physical body. Just as the heart serves as the source of energy for your body, your soul acts as the source of your subtle energy. It's like an energy heart within you that powers and fuels your subtle energy system. Your soul pumps your energy throughout your entire body and aura through channels called meridian lines or Nadis. As long as those channels are free and clear, your energy will flow through your whole body, keeping you healthy and happy.

An energetic block refers to a disruption or imbalance in the flow of energy within the body. There are several factors that can contribute to blocked energy. One common cause is unresolved emotional trauma or stress. When we experience intense emotions but do not process or release them fully, they can become trapped within our energetic system.

Additionally, negative thought patterns and beliefs can also contribute to blocked energy. If we consistently hold onto limiting beliefs or engage in self-sabotaging thoughts, it can create energetic blockages that hinder the natural flow of energy throughout our body.

Physical factors such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to blocked energy. When our bodies are not properly nourished or when we lead a stagnant lifestyle, it can impede the circulation of vital life force energy.

Energy healing techniques aim to identify and release these blocks by restoring the natural flow of energy. Practitioners use various modalities such as Reiki, acupuncture, chakra balancing, and crystal healing to help remove these energetic blocks and promote overall well-being.

By addressing energetic blocks and restoring balance in the body's energy system, you may experience improved physical health, increased vitality, emotional stability, mental clarity, and a greater sense of overall harmony. It is important to note that while energy healing can be used alongside conventional medical treatments as a complementary approach; it should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

You Should Get Regular Energy Healing Sessions

So, why should you consider getting an energy healing session? Firstly, energy healing can help promote relaxation and reduce stress. By restoring the flow of energy in your body, it can help you feel more calm and centered.

Secondly, energy healing has been known to support physical healing. It can complement traditional medical treatments by addressing not just the symptoms but also the underlying energetic imbalances that may be contributing to your health issues.

Furthermore, energy healing can have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. It can help release negative emotions and traumas stored in your energetic system, allowing for emotional healing and personal growth.

Another reason to consider energy healing is its ability to enhance spiritual connection and personal transformation. By working with your energetic field, it can open up new possibilities for self-discovery, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.


In conclusion, getting an energy healing session can offer numerous benefits such as relaxation, physical support, emotional well-being, spiritual connection, and personal transformation. If you are seeking a holistic approach to wellness or looking for alternative ways to support your overall well-being journey, exploring energy healing could be worth considering. Check out the services offered at Sithra Institute and set up a time to start your energetic healing today.

Holly Janes

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