How To Cleanse Crystals

Crystals are one of the most fascinating and mysterious natural phenomena. They have been used for centuries in various cultures for healing, spiritual growth, and protection, but for them to work properly, you must learn how to cleanse your crystals. Crystals come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, each with its own unique properties that can be used to help us in our everyday lives. While some crystals are known to bring good luck or attract positive energy, others can help us increase our focus or reduce stress. By understanding the different properties of crystals and how they work, we can use them to enhance our lives and achieve greater balance and harmony. In this article, we will discuss the different ways to clean a crystal and provide tips on how to do it correctly.

How to cleanse crystals

Crystals are powerful tools that can be used to manifest positive energies and bring balance into our lives. To understand how crystals can protect you, it is also important to know how your energy system works. Learn more by watching the Understanding Your Energy System video. However, it is important to know that crystals need to be cleansed regularly in order for them to work properly. Cleansing a crystal allows it to absorb the energy of its environment and helps it become more attuned to its user’s needs. Without regular cleansing, a crystal can become blocked or stagnant and will not be able to provide the desired healing or protection. Therefore, understanding how and when to cleanse your crystals is essential in order for them to work at their full potential.

Crystals Are Powerful Healing Tools

Crystals are powerful healing tools that can help us to balance our energies and manifest our desires. However, when they become overloaded with negative energy, they can no longer work properly. This negative energy can be caused by stress, fear or anxiety, and it can cause crystals to become blocked and unable to do their job of providing healing energy. Knowing how to cleanse your crystals regularly is essential in order for them to continue working effectively.

Crystals are beautiful and captivating pieces of art, but they require regular cleaning to keep them working their best, so if you are going to use crystals, you want to get into the habit of cleaning them regularly. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to clean your crystals and ensure that they stay active. Whether it’s using natural sunlight or herbs, these methods will help you keep your crystals working as good as new.

Cleansing Techniques for Crystals

Let’s explore some of the best methods to cleanse and purify your crystals, so that they can help you enjoy the maximum spiritual benefits.

Cleanse Crystals In The Sun

Cleanse Crystals in the Sun

Crystals are powerful healing tools that have been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. The sun’s energy can help to amplify the power of your crystals by removing any blockages and allowing them to work more effectively. This ancient practice has been proven to be an effective way of cleansing and restoring your crystals so that they can provide you with the best possible results. By using the sun’s energy, you can ensure that your crystals will be functioning at their highest potential, providing you with a greater sense of balance and harmony in all aspects of your life.

However, it is important that you take the necessary precautions when doing so. One of the most important things to remember is to place your crystals on a cookie sheet before exposing them to direct sunlight. Doing this will ensure that they do not start a fire and cause any damage. But when it comes to the sun, you must be careful. Leaving your crystals in direct sunlight for too long can cause their colors to fade and damage them permanently. It’s best to only leave them in the sun for a short amount of time so that you can reap all of their benefits without damaging them. Using the sun to cleanse crystals is effective, but you want to be sure to minimize exposure since ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause harm to the crystals. A better method would be to use the moon.

Cleanse Crystals In The Moon

Cleanse crystals with the moon

Did you know that you can also use the power of the moon to cleanse your crystals? The moon’s light and energy can be a powerful tool in removing any negative or stagnant energies from your crystals. The moonlight is gentle and will not damage the color of the crystal or cause it to reflect light and start a fire, making it a much safer option. Furthermore, the energy from the moon can be used to help cleanse your crystals more effectively, allowing you to get the most out of their healing powers.

Using Water To Cleanse Crystals

Cleanse Crystals in Water

One of the most popular methods of cleansing crystals is using water. With this method, you can remove any negative energy or vibrations that may be attached to your crystal, allowing it to be used for its intended purpose. Water can be used to cleanse the energy of your crystals, but it’s important to be careful when doing so as some crystals are water soluble and can be permanently damaged by water. Knowing which crystals are water soluble and which ones are not is essential for safe and effective crystal cleansing. To clear your crystal of any negative energy, simply hold it under running water and focus on that energy leaving the crystal.

Cleanse Crystals With Sage

Cleanse crystals with sage

Sage is a powerful tool for cleansing the energy of your crystals, allowing you to use them for their intended purpose. By using sage to cleanse the energy of your crystals, you can ensure that they are free from any negative or unwanted energies that may be present. Cleansing your crystals with sage is believed to be a powerful way to cleanse and purify the energy of crystals, allowing them to be used for healing and spiritual work. Sage sticks are an easy way to cleanse your crystals. Simply light the sage stick and let the smoke flow around your crystals. This will help clear any negative energy that may have attached itself to them, allowing you to use them in their full potential.

Crystals and Meditation

Cleanse crystals with meditation

You can also cleanse your crystals with the power of your mind while in meditation. If you do not know how to meditate, learn How to Meditate in 3 Simple Steps. To do this you would simply hold the crystal in your hands and focus on sending white light to the crystal. You first want to cleanse the crystal by filling it with the white light, which will help to remove negativity from it. Then you want to imagine that white light is giving it powering to do what you need it to do. Once you have the crystal charged, you want to tell it what to do, such as protect you, cleanse your energy, and so on. After you have done those steps your crystal will be good to use in whatever you need it for. You will need to cleanse your crystal after just a few days of use, which will keep it working at its best.


There are many ways to cleanse crystals, from traditional methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, to more modern techniques like using sound vibration or water. It is important to find the right cleansing technique that works for your crystals and keeps them safe. Once you have cleansed crystals of any negative energy, it’s essential to program them correctly for them to effectively work for your goal. After the crystals are programmed, they will function as intended.

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