Align with your soul's life path

Soul Readings

What is a Soul Reading?

A soul reading helps you learn about your soul's life path and purpose. During a soul reading, the practitioner connects with your energy, spirit guides, and higher self/soul to gain information into your spiritual journey, life challenges, and opportunities for growth.

Through a soul reading, you will receive guidance on overcoming life obstacles, making important decisions, or understanding struggles in your life. This session can provide clarity and validation as you walk along your spiritual path and seek connection with your true self and purpose.

Overall, a soul reading can be a transformative experience that offers deep insights into your soul and supports personal growth and self-discovery.

Soul Readings

How Does A Soul Reading Work?

During the soul reading, the practitioner will enter a meditative state to connect with your spirit guides as well as their own. This connection enables them to access information about your soul. Throughout the session, your spirit guides will focus on clearing your energetic system, removing energy blocks and spirit attachments. Once your energy is cleansed and balanced, you can ask any questions related to your soul and life path. These questions will be directed to your spirit guides, and you will receive the answers. Please note that during these sessions we do not predict the future, as the future is always changing and can be hard to predict.

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how does a soul reading work
what can a soul reading help with

What Can A Soul Reading Help With?

Soul reading can offer valuable insights and guidance on various aspects of your life. It can help you gain a deeper understanding of your life purpose and spiritual path. Through a soul reading, you may uncover past traumas, unresolved emotions, and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from personal growth and walking in your purpose.

Additionally, soul reading can provide clarity on relationships, career choices, and decision-making processes by tapping into the wisdom of your soul. It can also assist in identifying patterns or themes recurring in your life that may require attention and healing.

Overall, a soul reading serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and transformation by connecting you to your higher self and spirit guides.

It is always best to learn how to meditate so you can connect with your own soul's wisdom. Set up the meditation training sessions to begin your meditation journey and learn how to connect with your own soul.

Sithra Institute Blog

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Soul Reading Sessions

If you find that you are struggling with something, whether it is emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual, these sessions can shed light on what is going on and how to heal it. It is important for you to be open-minded during these sessions, as various spiritual beings will be contacted to assist you.