What I Wish I Knew About Spirituality In The Beginning

I have been a spiritualist for over 20 years now, but there were things I wish I knew when I first started out on this path. To be clear, I was always a spiritualist, I just didn't know it. I always loved the paranormal, but to me the paranormal was separate from anything spiritual. In all honesty, to me, spirituality was religion, that is until I got older and wiser about spirituality.

what I wish I knew about spirituality

When I was a young child, I loved the paranormal, but I didn't know much about it. I would go to the library at school, or even to the public library, but back in the 1980s, there really wasn't a whole lot of books at the library about anything paranormal. This left me to figure things out on my own. This proved to be dangerous at times because I was left without knowledge to fall back on, which lead me down some dark paths.

What do young kids do when they want to learn more about the paranormal? They use a Ouija Board; so that's what I did. I knew what the board was, but I didn't officially use it until I was probably 12 or so. I had already been having some paranormal experiences up to that point, but I was craving more information. I had to see for myself what this board was all about. So, I played with it, with no idea how to protect myself or how to remove things if they came through the board…and they did.

As an outsider, it is easy to scoff at this, and think, "Why were you allowed to play with that thing?" But my parents are not interested in the paranormal, they are not religious, in fact, no one in my family was spiritual at all. I was a lone wolf lost in the paranormal, with no teacher, no guidance, and no skills.

Over the years I read many books, went to a lot of different spiritual classes, but I also had a lot of my own paranormal and spiritual experiences that shaped me into who I am today. I teach spirituality to others because I want to share the knowledge I have gathered over the years and there are some things new spiritualists should know when first starting out.

1. Spiritual Protection Is Crucial

It is so important you learn to protect yourself by using the white light. This is a thought of protective shield that protects you from negativity. You use it by thinking of a beam of light coming down into the top of your head and letting it flow down into your body, so every part of you glows with this white light. Once the light goes from your head to your toes, you expand that light through your aura, putting you inside a protective bubble. This is your shield to protect you against dark energy, ghosts, demons, toxic people, and so many other things. It is crucial you use this light every day to protect yourself, your family members, your car, your home, your pets, and anything else you want to protect. But you have to use it daily. If you forget, then your shield gets weak, and darkness can get in.

2. Spirit Guides

Another topic I wish I had known about was that we all have spirit guides who are waiting for us to talk to them so they can help us with our lives. I have learned over the years spirit guides are there to keep you safe and help you along your path, and even though they do that from a distance, when you ask them for help, they do so much more.

Since I learned how to talk to my spirit guides years ago, I ask them to help me with everything. They are like spiritual friends to me, that I can't imagine not having in my life. Despite the fact I do get mad at them when things don't go my way, or I feel they are being overly protective, I still wouldn't want to live my life without them.

The best advice I can give new spiritualists is to talk to your spirit guides. Talk to them in your head, talk to them out loud, ask them for help, and if you can, start meditating so you can talk to them better.

3. Meditation

The last thing I want to share that I wish I knew was how to meditate. I learned how to meditate when I was 25 years old, because a counselor told me it would be good to reduce stress. When I started going to a meditation class at a New Age store, I had no idea how much my life was going to change from the paranormal to the spiritual. People often think meditation is just sitting quietly and trying to think of nothing for 30 minutes. When in fact, meditation is so much cooler than that!

With meditation, you can talk to your spirit guides, you can talk to people who have died, you can visit your pets that crossed over, you can talk to ghosts, you can remove spirit attachments, you can heal your chakras and aura, you can remove bad habits, and so, so much more!

It took me years to learn how to meditate effectively, and I feel it was so much time wasted. I might be further along on my spiritual path if I had just learned how to use meditation to enhance my life from the beginning.

My Advice

If you want my opinion, if you are walking down a spiritual path, focus on learning these three things. Also, do not be afraid to ask for help or guidance from those who have been walking this path for years. We have lots of information to give to those who truly want to learn. Most spiritual people have so much more information than you even know. They don't usually share their true knowledge with too many for fear of ridicule and judgment from those who do not have this type of faith.

Find a teacher that you like and trust and learn all that you can from them. Find a practice that fits with you and your life. For me, I am a spiritualist. I talk to the spirit world through meditation, and I teach others how to do this as well. Everyone is capable of being a medium, if they allow themselves to open their minds and allow in the amazing spiritual world that is all around you, waiting for you to see it.

Holly Janes

MediSoul: Meditation for the Soul


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